Along the Paths of Blessed
Teofilius Matulionis

The Great Route

On this path, you will discover all the places related to the life, pastoral activity, suffering and death of Blessed Teofilius Matulionis in Lithuania. Travelling around all these places will give you an even better insight into the personality of Blessed Teofilius, the beauty of Lithuania and the richness of its history.


The Path of Kaišiadorys region

Kaišiadorys region is rich in spiritual heritage and beauty. The personalities who left extraordinary traces in the history of Lithuania were born and lived, worked and prayed there. In Kaišiadorys, we can find especial stops for prayer and spiritual life. We invite you to travel this path – to see the beauty and richness of our homeland Lithuania and Christian life.


The Places of Respect and Piety of the Blessed Teofilius

When the Blessed T. Matulionis was still alive, he was considered a legend. The distinctiveness of the personality was recognized not only by friends but also by those who persecuted him. Even Soviet oppression could not erase the traces of Teofilius’s life – his life and suffering inspired many to fight for freedom. On this path, you will discover works of art, museums, institutions, expositions, and places that each peculiarly conveys the life of Blessed Teofilius.


The Path of Nation Suffering and Struggle

In the 20th century, Lithuania suffered two particularly brutal occupations and wars, which claimed many victims but did not suppress the desire for freedom. Blessed Teofilius and other fighters sacrificed their lives on the altar of Lithuanian freedom. On this path, we invite you to remember and visit the places of the suffering of freedom fighters of the Lithuanian nation, to find out how much has been suffered and given for our freedom.


The Path of the Blessed Teofilius Matulionis Spirituality

In the twentieth century, the activities of the Blessed T. Matulionis left a strong print in the spread of Christian faith and piety in Lithuania. Not only did he fight for the rights of the faithful; he was also a faith enhancer, founder of adoration of the St. Sacrament, he spread devotion to the Blessed One Jesus Heart, refreshed the temperance movement, etc. On this path, we invite you to visit places related to the spirituality and pastoral activity of the Blessed Teofilius.



In the rampage of the brutal genocide of the Jews, during the Nazi occupation, Bishop Teofilius Matulionis, in cooperation with Benedictine nuns, helped save the Jews. On this path, we invite you to visit Jewish heritage sites in the Kaišiadorys region, to meet more heroic personalities who contributed to the rescue of the Jews, to see where the Blessed Teofilius and the Benedictine sisters were hiding a little Jewish girl who later became a world-famous pianist.

Paths of The Blessed Teofilius Matulionis
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2022 December 13
II dalis Teofilius palieka Kaišiadoris
1944 m. liepos mėnesį į Kaišiadoris vėl sugrįžo sovietinis režimas. Teofiliui buvo pasiūlyta pasirašyti raštą Stalinui „Už Lietuvos išvadavimą“. Vyskupas tą padaryti atsisakė. Matydamas, kad sugrįžusi valdžia trukdo Bažnyčiai atlikti ganytojišką veiklą, inicijavo Vyskupų Konferencijos posėdį, kuris rugsėjo mėnesį įvyko Ukmergėje. Teofilius suprato, kad sunkiais momentais žmonėms ypač svarbi dvasinė pagalba. Jis ragino kunigus kuo aktyviau dirbti. Nurodė kunigams paskelbti, kad tikintiesiems netinka priklausyti pionierių ar komjaunimo organizacijoms. Ta tema parašė ir raštą tuometinei valdžiai. Galima tik įsivaizduoti, kaip tokie veiksmai erzino sovietinę valdžią. 1945 m. vyskupas Teofilius parašė Memorandumą, kurį adresavo Lietuvos TSR Komisarų tarybai (tuometinei Lietuvos vyriausybei). Jame…
2022 November 23
Teofilius Matulionis – Kaišiadorių vyskupas
1942 m. miršta pirmasis Kaišiadorių vyskupas Juozapas Kukta. 1943 m. sausio mėnesį vyskupas Teofilius Matulionis paskiriamas Kaišiadorių vyskupijos ordinaru. Jam tai buvo visiškai netikėta. Reikalas tas, kad T. Matulionis buvo vyskupas rusų katalikams. Jis rengėsi savo veiklą tęsti rusų žemėse. Ataskaitose popiežiui vyskupas nuolat primindavo, kad paskyrimas į Kaišiadoris jam buvo visiškai netikėtas, jam sunku čia veiklą vykdyti, nes jis ruošėsi dirbti rusų katalikams. Į Kaišiadoris Teofilius Matulionis atvyko 1943 m. balandžio mėnesį. Ingresas įvyko gegužės mėnesio 23 dieną. Ta proga vyskupas parašė pirmąjį ganytojišką laišką, skirtą kunigams ir pasauliečiams. Kunigų naujai paskirtas vyskupas prašė būti pavyzdžiu tikintiesiems, o pasauliečius…
2022 August 3
Stendas prie Kaišiadorių Kristaus Atsimainymo katedros
Nuo šiol Kaišiadorių objektus susijusius su palaimintuoju Teofiliu Matulioniu jau rasite stende prie Kaišiadorių Kristaus Atsimainymo katedrosTaip pat stende yra NFC ir QR kodai, kurie pateiks visą informaciją apie pasirinktą objektą (nuotraukos, video filmukai, audio gidai ir kt.) Išmaniuosiuose telefonuose NFC programa yra įdiegta, ją tik reikia įjungti, QR kodą nuskenuoti galite su kameros pagalbą arba atsisiųsti: – #googleplay – #appstore
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About Teofilius

Teofilius Matulionis (1873 – 1962)

Archbishop, Martyr, Blessed (2017; commemoration – June 14).

“The person of the late Archbishop Teofilius Matulionis lit up in a very peculiar light in the life of Lithuania, which spread not only over the lands of Lithuania, Latvia, and Russia but also beyond the Atlantic Ocean, especially in North America, where quite a large number of the Lithuanian emigration has long settled. That light was not scientific, not political, not state, but personal, moral, shining with Christian values. It crystallized in long-suffering and revealed a man quietly, resolutely following the paths of thorns, but seeing a broad vision of life, with an irresistible victory of the Good radiating at the ultimate horizon,” Pranas Gaida, a prelate, theologian and writer wrote in his book “Immortal Mortal. Archbishop Teofilius Matulionis” as early as 1981.

In 2017, an unwearied and adamant fighter for the rights of the faithful, Teofilius Matulionis, was beatified – proclaimed a martyr and the blessed one by the Pope’s Decree.

Not only his virtues but especially the works of God through that person are recognized in the process of beatification a person. Every blessed or saintly person is guided by the will of God in their lives, making their lives examples of the Gospel embodiment. The martyr is the one who follows the Lord freely to consent to die for the salvation of the world and gives the greatest witness of love and faith.

Until 2017, the Catholic Church of Lithuania honoured only one saint of our country – Casimir and one blessed Jurgis Matulaitis, who was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Rome. The beatification of Teofilius Matulionis is historically important because this has not been a case in Lithuania yet.

Teofilius was persecuted by the Soviets for his pastoral activities and was eventually tortured by their structures. Imprisoned in eleven prisons, where he spent sixteen years, was four times convicted, interrogated, beaten, poisoned, starved, hard-working, imprisoned in a cell, lived four years in exile, withstood searches and aspersions, recruitment, having lost his health … died after a search of his apartment by Soviet security and an injection of unidentified drugs.

About The Project

The project “Along the Paths of Blessed Teofilius Matulionis” is aimed at raising Lithuania’s notoriety as a tourist state and improving its image. The implementation of the project will seek to increase the relevance, attendance and visibility of the cultural and natural heritage, as well as raising the societal privity about the environment around them.

Teofilius Matulionis was chosen to remind about one of the most striking and prominent personalities who participated in the resistance to the occupation regime of the USSR. For more than half a century (1900 to 1962), the Archbishop was an active conservator of Christian values. For pastoral activities and unbridled fight for the rights of believers, Teofilius Matulionis was proclaimed the blessed and a martyr by the Pope’s Decree of 2017 (in Lithuania only Saint Casimir and the Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis are revered); The Lithuanian bishops declared 2017 the year of Archbishop Teofilius Matulionis.

The paths of T. Matulionis also extend beyond Lithuania: he began pastoral activities in Latvia, continued in Russia, and in St. Petersburg. In 1934, Teofilius visited Pope Pius XI in Rome; while living in the USA from 1934 to 1936, he was active in Lithuanian communities.

The project will seek to introduce the areas where Archbishop Teofilius Matulionis lived and travelled while defending the rights of the church and of the faithful.

It is planned to increase the attendance and notoriety of cultural and natural heritage objects in eight municipalities (Kaišiadorys, Molėtai, Kaunas, Zarasai, Utena, Vilnius, Varėna and Anykščiai municipalities) by implementing e-marketing tools. The project will implement the following e-marketing tools: Website; optimization of Search engine SEO; Advertising search in systems (SEA); Marketing on social networks (SMM); Visual advertising; Mobile marketing; Advertising on Internet portals. Selected e-marketing tools are expected to allow the creation of a sustainable and consistent tourism information system that meets the modern needs of travellers. The project is funded by the European Union Structural Funds.
